This Girl Runs New York...

I'm Alex, a native New Yorker raised in Staten Island.  I am an interior designer, Mommy and wife.  I have been running for 2 years and it has become a big part of my life. (A detailed story on how I became a runner to come in a future blog post so keep following!)

I am training to run the 2014 TSC NYC Marathon as a part of the Race to Stop MS team.  Find more info here.  Follow my race training journey as I run the streets of NYC!

I learned what the words multiple sclerosis meant at the age of 15 when my Dad was diagnosed with MS.  It was life changing for me and my family.  My family and I became active volunteers in the early years of Walk MS Staten Island and  about 5 years decided to be a part of Walk MS NYC as walkers and created Team Fabulous.  There is a lot more to my journey with MS.  I am fulfilling a dream of mine and running for all of those I know and love who live with MS and fight the MonSter every day!

Love to you all!
