Week #12 and Marathon 101
Week #12 & Marathon 101
This was a “short” recovery run after last week’s 12-mile run. This week's run was 7 miles. We started at 16th St & 8th Avenue and followed the West Side Greenway downtown to the end of the path and back!
This run was followed by a “Marathon 101” clinic. This clinic is great as its focuses on proper nutrition, proper race attire, training strategies to achieve your race pace, and sports drinks/supplement.
Some important tips:
NEVER EVER wear cotton clothing! wear DryFit everything from head-to-toe including your underwear and socks! Wearing moisture-wicking clothing that absorb moisture allows your body to stay cool and comfortable. Thee way to learn what styles of clothing work for you is though trial and error. I've got race attire down pat…
Make sure you have proper footwear. The recommendation on the number of miles you should run in your sneakers vary. I like to stick with 400 miles as a magic number.
water! Water! WATER! Start hydrated!
As the marathon approaches, be sure to eat a good balance of protein, complex carbohydrates (building up glycogen), and fats.
Pre-race... nothing new! Do not introduce new foods or drinks days before your race or on race day. Training runs are the best time to figure out what works/doesn't work for you.
Nutrition during the race. You need to keep fueling and hydrating your body during the race. To receive the electrolytes my body needs, I have learned that I cannot drink Gatorade or use gels. The sugar messes with my insulin levels and I feel too many lows in my energy level. I have discovered NUUN, a sugar-free electrolyte tab which helps me tremendously. NUUN is gluten-free, just 8 calories per serving and has as much caffeine as a cup of coffee (there are caffeine free flavors too). I have also learned that packing your own nutrition and not relying on what is provided at the race is very important! Finding the right nutrition race plan has been the hardest for me!
Post-race. water! Water! WATER! Replenish electrolytes and protein. And more water! Water! WATER!
Marathon 101 was informative and was a good reminder of some important DOS and DON'TS! Marathon 102 take place in a couple of months as marathon day approaches!
- xoA