Here's to a Healthy 2015!
I'm sure you have made a New Year's Resolution one time in your life. A list of actions you wish to stick to with the best intentions, of course. This year I made no real resolution but to remain healthy and active and be the best Mommy to my son.
With the best intentions, I only ran 7 miles in January. Life has ways of playing tricks on us and it has been a challenge for me. This was unacceptable to me. This is my life and I should love it to the fullest. So I decided I had to come up with a way to control what I could. There are lots of great health and fitness challenges on the internet and if you know me that's all I need- a challenge!
The first Monday of January I embarked on the 21 day NO JUNK FOOD CHALLENGE! No chocolate... No candy... No chips? Oh my! I killed it and had some weight loss to boot. What would my next challenge be?
I knew I had to take control of my fitness regime next. Whatever program I started had to be flexible and fun. By coincidence, I ordered Insanity Max:30 and am so glad I got on the bandwagon!
Many of my future posts will share my Insanity Max:30 experience with this and when #imaxedout I'll even share my food planning journey. I hope to get more miles in this month!
Stay tuned!